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Helping your employees to own their career development

When employees fail to own their career development, it can lead to stagnation, lack of motivation and missed growth opportunities.

A diverse team is working around a conference table.A diverse team is working around a conference table.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

Many employees struggle with taking ownership of their career development. This can lead to stagnation, lack of motivation and missed growth opportunities.

Without a proactive approach to their careers, employees might feel dependent on their managers or the organization for advancement, leading to frustration when these external supports fall short. Lack of career development can result in disengagement and lower productivity, impacting the individual's career trajectory and the organization's overall performance.

Conversely, helping employees understand the importance of owning their career development brings numerous benefits. When employees take charge of their growth, they become more motivated, engaged and proactive in seeking opportunities.

Proactive career development fosters a culture of continuous learning and development, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention rates. Moreover, employees who drive their career paths contribute more effectively to the organization, leveraging their strengths and passions to achieve personal and organizational goals.

Lunch & learn sessions on the topic of "Owning Your Career Development," can encourage early career employees to take control of their professional growth, helping them feel empowered and equipped to navigate their career journeys. Below, we’ve outlined a session that covers key strategies, tools and resources to help employees become the primary drivers of their career success, ultimately benefiting both the individual and the organization.

Owning your career development: A lunch + learn framework

Introduction (5 minutes)

  • Objective: Set the stage for the importance of self-driven career development.
  • Message: While managers and the organization provide support, individuals are the primary drivers of their career growth. Emphasize the empowerment that comes from owning one's career.
  • Talking Points:
    • Share a personal anecdote or quote about career ownership.
    • Highlight the benefits of taking initiative in one's professional development.

Understanding career ownership (15 minutes)

  • Key point: People own 85% of their career development, managers support 10%, and talent development contributes 5%.
  • Discussion: What does this mean in practical terms, and why is it empowering? Use real-life examples to illustrate these points
  • Activity:
    • Interactive poll: Ask participants to share what percentage of their career development they feel like they currently control and discuss the results.
    • Breakout discussion: Small group discussions on experiences where they had to take charge of their career growth.

Identifying career goals (20 minutes)

  • Tools: Self-assessment exercises, reflection questions.
  • Activity: Guide participants through a simple self-assessment to identify strengths, interests and potential career paths.
  • Steps:
    • Self-assessment exercise: Provide a worksheet or online tool for self-assessment.
    • Reflection questions: What are your core strengths and skills? What are your professional interests and passions? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • Group activity:
    • Pair + share: Participants pair up to discuss their self-assessment results and provide feedback to each other.

Leveraging internal resources (15 minutes)

  • Resources available:
  • Discussion:
    • How to effectively use these resources.
    • Success stories from within the organization.
  • Activity:
    • Resource scavenger hunt: Create a fun activity where participants find and list resources available for career development.

Exploring external opportunities (15 minutes)

  • Resources:
  • Discussion:
    • How to get access to and effectively use these resources.
  • Activity:
    • External resource mapping: Participants map out external resources that align with their career goals and interests.

Time management for development (15 minutes)

  • Strategies:
    • Setting SMART goals for career development.
    • Blocking out time for learning and networking.
    • Prioritizing tasks and learning activities.
  • Activity:
    • SMART goals workshop: Guide participants in creating career development goals.
    • Personal development plan: Provide a template for a personal development plan with short and long-term goals.
  • Group discussion:
    • Share strategies for making time for development even in a busy environment.
    • Tips for maintaining a work/life balance while pursuing professional growth.

Q&A + open discussion (15 minutes)

  • Interactive:
    • Encourage participants to share their experiences and ask questions.
    • Facilitate connections among attendees for peer support.
  • Networking: Create a follow-up plan where participants can continue discussions and support each other in their career development journeys.

Key takeaways + follow-up resources

  • Handouts:
    • Self-assessment tools
    • List of resources (internal and external)
    • Template for a personal development plan
    • Guide on setting SMART goals
  • Slides:
    • A visual representation of the career development ownership breakdown (85% self-driven, 10% manager support, 5% talent development)
    • Key points from the session
    • Resource links
    • Contact information for follow-up

Tips for effective delivery

  • Engagement:
    • Use real-life examples to illustrate points.
    • Incorporate polls or quick quizzes to keep the session engaging.
  • Interactivity:
    • Include activities that encourage participation and collaboration.
    • Use breakout rooms for small group discussions.
  • Follow-Up:
    • Provide a way for participants to reach out with further questions.
    • Set up a dedicated channel or group for continued support and resource sharing.

By fostering a thriving company culture that prioritizes learning and development, you lay the foundation for a resilient, adaptable, high-performing team prepared to meet today's challenges and tomorrow's opportunities.

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