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How to help managers get better at team management

Strong managers create a positive work environment that drives success.

A woman is writing something in her notebook while sitting at a conference table with her laptop.A woman is writing something in her notebook while sitting at a conference table with her laptop.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

Benefits of strong team management

Excellent team management is crucial. Strong managers create a positive work environment that drives success. They foster trust, boost morale and make employees feel valued.

When managers excel at team management, the whole team wins. The workplace becomes more productive, efficient and enjoyable. Strong management also leads to higher employee satisfaction and retention rates. Plus, when managers are good at managing their teams, it makes HR’s job a lot easier.

Read on for some quick wins and longer-term strategies to boost team management expertise across your organization.

18 team management hacks

Here are some quick fixes and intelligent strategies managers can put in play to boost their teams’ morale and productivity in no time:

  1. Regular check-ins: Managers should schedule brief meetings to stay updated and address issues early.
  2. Delegate smartly: Encourage managers to assign tasks based on strengths and interests to maximize efficiency and job satisfaction.
  3. Celebrate small wins: Help managers recognize and celebrate achievements (no matter how small) to boost morale.
  4. Provide quick feedback: Make sure managers don’t wait for annual reviews. They should offer constructive feedback in real time to encourage continuous improvement.
  5. Set clear priorities: Managers should communicate daily or weekly priorities to help their teams focus on the most critical tasks.
  6. Use collaborative tools: Implement simple tools like Slack, Trello or Asana to streamline communication and project management.
  7. Encourage regular breaks: Promote short breaks to help managers prevent burnout and keep their teams fresh and focused.
  8. Organize short team-building activities: Quick and fun activities, like a trivia game or a lunch break quiz, can boost team spirit.
  9. Create a “win wall”: Designate a space where managers can point team members to post about their recent successes and milestones.
  10. Share positive feedback: Help managers publicly acknowledge and share positive feedback from clients or other departments to boost morale.
  11. Conduct pulse surveys: Equip managers with short survey templates to gauge team morale and promptly address any issues.
  12. Open-door policy: Encourage managers to have open-door policies so team members feel comfortable approaching managers with concerns or ideas.
  13. Flex time: Managers should be allowed to offer flexible working hours to help team members better balance their work and personal lives.
  14. Weekly gratitude rounds: Encourage managers to start or end weekly meetings with time for team members to share something they are grateful for.
  15. Encourage learning-sharing sessions: Managers should have team members share new skills or knowledge they’ve acquired with the rest of their team. Scheduling intra-company sharing sessions can help managers share that knowledge more broadly.
  16. Use visual progress tracking: Implement visual tools like Kanban boards to help managers help their teams see progress and stay motivated.
  17. Quick problem-solving sessions: Ask managers to hold brief sessions during which team members can discuss and collaboratively solve minor issues.
  18. Spot rewards: Introduce small, spontaneous rewards that managers can hand out for immediate recognition of hard work or great ideas.

By incorporating these hacks, managers can quickly and effectively improve team morale, productivity and overall performance.

12 longer-term team management fixes

A variety of initiatives can develop team management skills. Here are 12 effective strategies:

  1. Peer mentorship programs: Pair less experienced managers with seasoned leaders to facilitate knowledge sharing and support.
  2. Feedback loops: Create a system for managers to receive regular, constructive feedback from their teams and peers.
  3. Access to resources: Provide managers with books, articles and online leadership and team management classes.
  4. Recognition + rewards: Acknowledge and reward managers who demonstrate strong team management skills to motivate continuous improvement.
  5. Manager support groups: Establish forums or groups where managers can share experiences, challenges and solutions.
  6. Custom training sessions: Offer personalized training sessions tailored to address individual manager's strengths and areas for development.
  7. Leadership workshops: Organize workshops focused on specific management skills like conflict resolution, delegation and effective communication.
  8. Promote authenticity: Encourage managers to be genuine and transparent with their teams. Authentic leaders build trust and create a more cohesive and loyal team.
  9. Foster open communication: Create an environment where team members feel safe to express their ideas, concerns and feedback. Open communication leads to better problem-solving and innovation.
  10. Implement clear policies: Ensure that company policies are well-defined and consistently applied. Clear policies provide a framework for fair and predictable management practices.
  11. Cultivate a supportive culture: Encourage support and collaboration where managers and team members help each other grow and succeed. This can include regular team-building activities and initiatives to promote work-life balance.
  12. Encourage continuous learning: Promote a culture of continuous improvement by providing ongoing training opportunities and encouraging managers to stay updated on industry best practices.

Implementing these strategies can help cultivate a continuous learning and improvement culture to boost team management. By implementing both immediate and long-term fixes, HR can ensure that their managers are well-equipped to lead their teams effectively and sustainably.

15 learning topics for improving team management

Investing in manager training builds a strong foundation for lasting success. Equip your leaders with essential skills that drive continuous improvement and sustainable growth. Here are 14 topics that should be at or near the top of your training list:

  1. Emotional intelligence: Understanding and managing emotions can improve communication and conflict resolution.
  2. Conflict management: Equip managers with skills to handle disputes effectively and maintain a harmonious workplace.
  3. Time management: Teach managers to prioritize tasks and manage their time efficiently.
  4. Coaching + mentoring: Develop their ability to guide and support their team’s professional growth.
  5. Cultural competency: Educate managers on understanding and respecting diverse backgrounds, fostering an inclusive work environment.
  6. Adaptability: Train managers to be flexible and responsive to change, helping their teams navigate shifts smoothly.
  7. Decision-making: Enhance managers' ability to make informed, timely decisions that benefit the team and the organization.
  8. Delegation: Teach managers how to effectively delegate tasks to empower team members and optimize workload distribution.
  9. Performance management: Equip managers with techniques for setting goals, conducting appraisals and managing underperformance constructively.
  10. Remote team management: Provide strategies for remote or hybrid teams, ensuring productivity and engagement regardless of location.
  11. Project management: Develop skills in planning, executing and closing projects efficiently, emphasizing teamwork and resource management.
  12. Wellbeing + stress management: Teach managers to recognize signs of burnout and implement practices that support their wellbeing and that of their team.
  13. Strategic thinking: Encourage managers to think beyond day-to-day tasks and consider long-term goals and strategies for their team and organization.
  14. Effective communication: Improve verbal, non-verbal and written communication skills to convey messages clearly and effectively.
  15. Networking + relationship building: Train managers to build strong internal and external networks to provide support and opportunities for their teams.

By training managers on these topics, HR leaders can ensure their managers are well-prepared to handle various challenges and lead their teams to success.

16 team management pitfalls to avoid

Knowing what to avoid is just as important as knowing what to do right. Managers need to know how to steer clear of common mistakes that can undermine success:

  1. Micromanagement: Managers need to trust their teams. Micromanaging kills creativity and lowers morale.
  2. Poor communication: Failing to communicate clearly can lead to confusion and frustration.
  3. Ignoring feedback: Feedback is a two-way street. Managers should listen to their team’s concerns and act on them.
  4. Favoritism: Managers must treat all team members fairly. Favoritism breeds resentment and disrupts team cohesion.
  5. Lack of transparency: Keeping information from the team can lead to mistrust and speculation. Managers should be open and honest about decisions and changes.
  6. Inconsistency: Inconsistent application of rules or expectations can create confusion and a sense of unfairness within the team.
  7. Avoiding conflict: Failing to address conflicts promptly can allow issues to fester and escalate. Managers should be equipped to handle disputes effectively.
  8. Overloading team members: Piling too much work on team members can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. Managers should ensure workloads are manageable.
  9. Resistance to change: Being inflexible and resistant to new ideas can stifle innovation and adaptation. Managers should encourage and embrace change when necessary.
  10. Lack of recognition: Not acknowledging team members' hard work and achievements can lead to disengagement. Help managers regularly recognize and celebrate successes.
  11. Unrealistic expectations: Setting unattainable goals can demotivate and stress out the team. Managers should ensure that goals are challenging yet achievable.
  12. Neglecting professional development: Failing to invest in team members' growth can lead to stagnation. Help managers encourage continuous learning and development.
  13. Inadequate support: Not providing the necessary resources, training or support can hinder team performance. Ensure managers know what team members need to succeed.
  14. Overemphasis on results: Focusing solely on outcomes without considering the process and the team's wellbeing can be detrimental. Help managers balance the emphasis on results with attention to team dynamics and health.
  15. Failure to lead by example: Managers should model the behavior and work ethic they expect from their team. Inconsistent behavior can undermine authority and respect.
  16. Isolation of team members: Not fostering a sense of community and collaboration can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection. Show managers how to encourage teamwork and inclusivity.

By being aware of these pitfalls, managers can avoid common traps that can hinder their effectiveness and harm team morale.

Upgrade your team management with Modern Manager Training from Electives

It's time to invest in your managers' success. Bring Modern Manager Training to your organization and equip your leaders with the skills they need to manage their teams. Empower your managers to lead with confidence and create a thriving workplace. 

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