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Making things happen: June 12, 2024

Discover how to coach up your boss and get ways managers can inspire their teams to excel. Let's turn your to-do list into ta-da moments!

Purple rectangle with white text: 🙋 Ever thought about coaching up your boss? Here’s how (plus more on making things happen)!Purple rectangle with white text: 🙋 Ever thought about coaching up your boss? Here’s how (plus more on making things happen)!

Table of contents

Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

You’re juggling a million things, and we see you! 👀

Let’s dive right in and make your job a tad easier. Today we’re talking about fostering a culture of excellence and the art of making things happen. ✅

💡 5 ways managers can: Inspire employees to excel

Picture this:

It’s Monday morning, and 🧑 Sarah logs into the weekly standup to find her team dragging their feet, drowning in tasks and low on motivation. 😰

Determined to turn things around, she decides to inspire her team by making a few key changes. By the end of the week, the energy is palpable and productivity is throughout the room. 😇

What did Sarah do?

She focused on these 5 key strategies:

1. Communicate clearly + frequently
It turns out her team wasn’t psychic. 🔮

2. Recognize + reward achievements
Everyone loves a gold star, right? 🌟

3. Set clear goals + expectations
No one wants to play pin the tail on the donkey without a donkey. 🐴

4. Lead by example
If you want them to hustle, you better be hustling too. 🏃

5. Encourage work/life balance
Burnout is so last season.

Inspired employees = happy, productive employees. 

Give these tips to the “Sarah” at your org. Because when her team thrives, you get fewer complaints and more kudos! 🙌

Dive into the details of those strategies + discover 5 more to boost team inspiration:

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↩️ Going in reverse: Providing feedback to bosses

Who’s been here before?

🧑‍🏭️ Alex, a dedicated employee, feels that his boss, 👩 Lisa, could benefit from some constructive feedback to improve team dynamics. He knows it’s a delicate situation, but he’s committed to fostering a better work environment.

What can Alex do?

With a thoughtful approach, Alex can open a productive dialogue that leads to positive change. Here are 3 principles for Alex to follow:

1. Focus on observable, actionable behaviors
No one likes vague feedback. Be specific, people! 😵‍💫

2. Show empathy + understanding
Bosses are human too. 🙄

3. Model the desired behavior you want to see
Want your boss to communicate better? Show them how it’s done! 🤳

Navigating the tricky waters of coaching up can be challenging!

But by giving these tips to each "Alex" at your org, every "Lisa" will transform into a model boss, and you'll soon be living in a work utopia. 🏖️

Get 5 effective feedback models for coaching up here:

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🏆 Electives Named Professional Development Solution Provider of the Year

👉 Why this award is your win:

Live, high-quality learning: No more snooze-fest pre-recorded sessions. Learn live with astronauts, Olympic athletes and best-selling authors. 🧑‍🚀️🤾🖋

Immediate Impact: 89% of employees reporting positive behavior changes after classes. ⤴️ 

Tailored for Lean People Teams: We’ve got your back, making top-tier development a breeze. 💨

Catch the buzz + read the press release:

Check It Out →

Juneteenth is next week: Here’s how to celebrate at work

In 2021, Juneteenth became a federal holiday to commemorate the end of slavery.  Celebrate Juneteenth by fostering understanding and reviewing your DEI goals.

Get more celebration ideas:

Learn More  →

Additional Resources

✅ Performance Review Checklist + Timeline Template

🤝 One-on-One Meeting Agenda Templates

🗓️ 2024 Holiday Calendar Download

🌈 June 2024 Holiday Listings

🎆 July 2024 Holiday Listings

Get ahead of employee development demands.

Choose your path and watch your team’s growth unfold:

Personalized Training:

Electives Membership

Team Training:

High-Performance Culture Training

Business Foundations Training

Modern Manager Training

Latest resources

Learn more about creating a culture of learning throughout our resources below.

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DEI holidays to celebrate in October

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Select Electives Membership or a private program. Options include modern manager training, high-performance culture, business foundations or a custom curriculum.

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