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Building a leadership enablement program for emerging + mid-level leaders

Designing a leadership enablement program involves a strategic blend of foundational skills, advanced topics and organization-specific competencies.

A woman is standing at the front of a conference table where diverse aspiring leaders are listening to her present.A woman is standing at the front of a conference table where diverse aspiring leaders are listening to her present.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

Designing a leadership enablement program for emerging and mid-level leaders involves a strategic blend of foundational leadership skills, advanced development topics and organization-specific competencies.

Objectives for a leadership enablement program

A well-designed leadership enablement program aims to achieve well-defined objectives that are crucial for organizational success. Examples of objectives include:

  • Increase the internal promotion pipeline: Organizations can create a steady flow of qualified candidates ready for higher-level positions by developing leadership skills in emerging and mid-level leaders.
  • Boost retention: Investing in leadership development helps retain top talent by showing employees that the organization values their growth and career advancement.
  • Enhance employee engagement: Effective leaders foster a positive work environment, leading to higher employee satisfaction and engagement levels.
  • Improve team performance: Strong leadership skills enable leaders to motivate their teams to achieve better results and meet organizational goals.
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement: Ongoing leadership development encourages a mindset of growth and innovation, which is essential for adapting to changing business landscapes.

Content to include in a leadership enablement program

The content outlined below serves as an example, but the exact needs can vary based on company goals and employees' specific development areas. Tailoring the leadership enablement program to address unique organizational challenges and individual leader strengths and weaknesses ensures that the training is relevant and impactful, driving meaningful growth and improvement.

Foundational leadership skills

A strong foundation is essential for leaders to effectively manage teams, resolve conflicts and create a positive work environment. 

Foundational leadership topics:

  • Effective communication: Crucial for conveying vision, goals and feedback clearly and persuasively.
  • Emotional intelligence: Helps leaders understand and manage their emotions and those of their team members.
  • Time management: Ensures leaders can prioritize tasks and manage their workload efficiently.

Advanced leadership development

Advanced skills are necessary for leaders to drive their teams forward, implement strategies and support continuous improvement and innovation.

Advanced leadership topics:

  • Strategic thinking: Enables leaders to align team goals with organizational objectives and anticipate future challenges.
  • Change management: Prepares leaders to guide their teams through organizational changes smoothly.
  • Coaching + mentoring: Equips leaders to develop their team members' skills and careers.

Organizational competencies

Knowledge of organizational specifics helps leaders reinforce the company culture, uphold standards and create an inclusive environment.

Organizational competency topics:

  • Company culture + values: Deep understanding of the organization's ethos to lead by example.
  • Performance management: Techniques for setting goals, providing feedback and conducting evaluations aligned with company standards.
  • Inclusion + collaboration: Promotes a culture of inclusivity, enhancing team performance and innovation.

Personal development

Personal growth is vital for leaders to remain motivated, overcome obstacles and progress in their careers.

Personal development topics:

  • Self-awareness + reflection: Encourages leaders to understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Resilience + stress management: Prepares leaders to cope with challenges and setbacks effectively.
  • Career development planning: Helps leaders map their career trajectories and prepare for future roles.

Determining leadership training needs

A comprehensive approach to determining leadership training needs is essential for creating an effective and impactful program. This research involves gathering detailed information from various sources to understand each leader's development requirements. By aligning training with individual and organizational goals, you can tailor the leadership enablement program to address specific gaps and opportunities for growth.

Customized leadership enablement development programs benefit from:

  • Bespoke development plans: Identifying each leader's unique strengths and weaknesses allows leadership enablement training to be customized to address specific areas for improvement, resulting in more effective and targeted development.
  • Enhanced engagement: When leaders feel that the training is relevant to their personal and professional goals, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to apply what they learn, leading to better outcomes.
  • Improved performance: A tailored approach ensures that leaders develop the skills most relevant to their roles, which can lead to improved team performance and achievement of organizational objectives.
  • Resource efficiency: Focusing on the most critical areas for each leader ensures that training resources are used efficiently, providing the greatest return on investment for the organization.
  • Alignment with organizational goals: Ensuring that development plans align with broader organizational goals helps create a unified leadership approach, fostering a stronger and more cohesive company culture.

Methods to determine the training needs of leaders:

  • 360-degree feedback: Collects input from peers, subordinates and supervisors to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Performance reviews: Analyzes past performance data to pinpoint skill gaps and potential development areas.
  • Self-assessments: Encourages leaders to reflect on their skills and career goals.
  • Manager recommendations: Gathers insights from direct supervisors who understand their team members' day-to-day performance and potential.

By thoroughly researching and understanding leadership training needs, organizations can design programs that enhance individual capabilities and drive overall organizational success.

Communicating the need for leadership enablement training

Securing executive buy-in for a leadership enablement program is critical to its success. Communicating the need for this training requires a clear, data-driven approach that highlights the strategic benefits and aligns with organizational goals.

Strategies to communicate the need:

  • Present data + research: Use data to demonstrate the current leadership gaps and how they impact the organization. Present findings from 360-degree feedback, performance reviews and other assessments to illustrate specific areas for improvement.
  • Align with business objectives: Show how the leadership enablement program will support key business objectives, such as increasing the internal promotion pipeline, boosting retention and enhancing employee engagement. Explain how improved leadership skills will lead to better decision-making, innovation and performance.
  • Highlight ROI: Emphasize the return on investment by presenting case studies or industry benchmarks showing positive impact from similar programs at your company or other organizations. Provide estimates of potential cost savings from reduced turnover and increased productivity.
  • Show urgency: Communicate the risks of not investing in leadership development, such as higher turnover rates, lower employee morale and missed growth opportunities. Highlight any immediate needs or upcoming challenges that make leadership training a priority.

Measuring the effectiveness of leadership enablement training

Measuring the effectiveness of leadership enablement training is crucial to ensure that the program meets its objectives. Multiple data points provide a comprehensive view of the program's impact, highlighting areas of success and opportunities for further improvement. 

Methods for benchmarking + assessing:

  • Pre- and post-training assessments: Conduct surveys or tests to evaluate knowledge and skills before and after the program. Assessments help determine the immediate impact of the training on leadership competencies.
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs): Track promotion rates, employee retention, engagement scores and/or any other important KPIs. These indicators should directly relate to the program’s objectives and provide quantifiable evidence of its success.
  • Behavioral observations: Observe changes in leadership behaviors and practices in real work scenarios. Behavioral observations assess how well leaders apply new skills in their daily roles, contributing to improved team performance and employee engagement.
  • Feedback surveys: Collect feedback from team members and peers on leader performance and impact post-training. Feedback is crucial for understanding the broader effects of the training on team dynamics and overall organizational culture.

Communicating the results of leadership enablement training

Effectively communicating the results of the leadership enablement program helps maintain executive support by demonstrating the program's value.

Best practices to communicate results:

  • Use clear metrics: Present results using clear, quantifiable metrics that reflect the initial objectives. Highlight improved KPIs such as promotion rates, retention rates, employee engagement scores and team performance.
  • Share success stories: Highlight specific examples of leaders who have benefited from the training. Share anecdotes and testimonials illustrating how the program has positively impacted their performance and career growth.
  • Provide visual aids: Use charts, graphs and infographics to make the data more accessible and engaging. Visual aids can help executives quickly grasp the program's impact.
  • Regular updates: Provide regular updates on the program's progress and outcomes. Keep executives informed and engaged by showing that the investment in leadership training is yielding continuous benefits.
  • Link to strategic goals: Continuously connect the results to the organization’s goals. Show how improved leadership drives critical business outcomes and contributes to long-term success.

If this feels like a lot of work, it’s because it is.

But, we can make leadership enablement training easy for you!

When you work with Electives, you'll benefit from a team of experts ready to help you build a comprehensive, tailored approach to leadership development. From live daily classes to deep-dive programs, Electives makes it easy and affordable for you to offer your employees the best learning opportunities.

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