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How to create a strong work/life balance for your employees

Strong work/life balance keeps your team from burning out faster than a cheap candle.

A man in a suit is sitting on the floor of his living room playing with his child.A man in a suit is sitting on the floor of his living room playing with his child.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

Strong work/life balance keeps your team from burning out faster than a cheap candle. But work/life balance doesn’t happen just because you say you have it.

It’s on every leader to set the tone. So let’s talk about how to make strong work/life balance a reality for your crew.

For strong work/life balance, build a culture that respects boundaries.

First, forget the "always on" mentality. You’re not running a 24/7 diner.

Make sure people aren’t expected to answer emails at 11 PM.

Lead by example and ask your executives to do the same. That means logging off at a reasonable hour (or at least pretending you do). Make it clear that it’s not just okay, but actually expected, to unplug after work.

Encourage breaks throughout the day.

A 5-minute coffee run will not tank productivity, but it might save someone from a mid-afternoon crash. Flexibility and short breaks aren’t about pampering your employees — they’re about recognizing that a constant grind doesn’t yield better results.

Make sure your leaders know they set the tone for work/life balance.

As a leader, your actions speak louder than any policy you put on the intranet.

Teams follow the lead of their leaders.

If your leaders send emails at all hours or burn the midnight oil every night, don’t be surprised when their teams think they need to do the same. Leaders set the pace, so make sure that pace is sustainable.

Support flexible working arrangements where possible.

Life happens — kids get sick, the plumber’s late and sometimes people just need a mental health day. Flexibility doesn’t mean slacking off. Flexibility actually means trusting your team to get their work done in a way that fits their lives.

Empower your managers to support a strong work/life balance.

Managers are in the trenches, so they need to be equipped to support their teams.

Train managers to recognize signs of burnout and stress.

A manager who can spot an overwhelmed employee and adjust that employee’s workload isn’t just being nice — that manager is protecting their team’s productivity.

Encourage regular check-ins.

Ask your managers to have regular check-ins with their direct reports, and make sure those check-ins go beyond just work tasks. Encourage managers to ask about:

  • Workload: How are they managing their current tasks?
  • Wellbeing: How are they feeling overall — stressed, balanced or overwhelmed?
  • Personal goals: Can they pursue personal or professional goals outside of work?
  • work/life balance: Do they have enough time for life outside of work?
  • Team dynamics: Are there any challenges or successes within the team that they want to discuss?

These conversations are simple but often overlooked. They help managers catch potential issues before they spiral out of control, and they show employees that their wellbeing matters.

Ask your individual contributors to speak up if their work/life balance gets unbalanced.

Your team isn’t full of mind readers. If someone’s drowning in work, they need to raise their hand. But this only happens if you’ve created an environment where speaking up doesn’t feel like admitting defeat.

Encourage employees to communicate their needs and limits. And remind them that saying "no" sometimes is okay.

Training to support strong work/life balance

Offer programs on time management, stress reduction and other productivity topics. Bring in experts who can teach practical techniques rather than just spout clichés. Mindfulness sessions can help, but don’t force them — no one needs another meeting they didn’t ask for.

Here are five training topics that support work/life balance:

  • Time management: Strategies for prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Stress management: Practical approaches to reducing stress, including mindfulness and relaxation techniques.
  • Setting boundaries: Training on establishing and communicating clear work/life boundaries with managers and peers.
  • Communication skills: How to assertively communicate workload concerns and negotiate deadlines or responsibilities.
  • Mental health awareness: Recognizing signs of burnout and understanding when and how to seek support.

Team-building activities to support strong work/life balance

Team-building activities don’t have to involve cringe-worthy. Instead, focus on activities that genuinely help your team unwind and connect.

Here are five team-building activities that support work/life balance:

  • Group hikes: Enjoying nature together while getting some fresh air.
  • Cooking classes: Collaborating on a fun, creative task outside of work.
  • Games: Light-hearted fun that encourages teamwork and friendly competition.
  • Volunteer projects: Giving back to the community as a team, fostering a sense of purpose.
  • Wellness sessions: Wellbeing training, group yoga or meditation to help everyone relax and recharge.

Remember, team-building activities should foster genuine connections, not awkward small talk.

Work/life balance requires effort from every level — from leadership setting the tone to managers supporting their teams and individual contributors managing their boundaries. By creating a culture that respects life outside of work, you’re not just keeping your team happy, but ensuring they’re around for the long haul.

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