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Understanding conscious + unconscious bias in the workplace

Whether conscious or unconscious, bias impacts how employees interact, make decisions and shape company culture.

A diverse group of job applicants are sitting in a row in the lobby of a modern office. They are laughing and conversing.A diverse group of job applicants are sitting in a row in the lobby of a modern office. They are laughing and conversing.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

Whether conscious or unconscious, bias impacts how employees interact, make decisions and shape company culture. People leaders need to understand the differences and address both types of bias to create an inclusive and productive environment.

What is conscious bias?

Conscious bias is a deliberate form of prejudice in which individuals knowingly hold and act upon certain beliefs about people or groups.

Stereotypes or personal experiences often drive conscious bias. When people allow their prejudices to affect their judgment, these biases can influence hiring decisions, promotions and team dynamics.

For example, consciously favoring candidates from a specific educational background or discriminating against someone based on their gender or ethnicity are forms of conscious bias. Conscious bias is overt and can often be identified through actions or language.

What is unconscious bias?

Unconscious bias, or implicit bias, refers to attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding and decisions without our awareness.

Unconscious biases are formed through life experiences, social conditioning and cultural norms, and they often emerge in subtle ways during decision-making processes. For instance, an individual may unintentionally favor a candidate with backgrounds or interests similar to those already on the team, assuming that the candidate will "fit in" better. 

Unconscious biases aren't intentional, but they can still lead to unfair treatment and inequities in the workplace.

How are conscious + unconscious biases similar?

Both conscious and unconscious bias can lead to unfair treatment of individuals based on factors like race, gender, age or other personal characteristics. Baises distort judgment and decision-making, and can result in:

  • A lack of diversity in hiring and promotion
  • Exclusion of certain groups
  • The reinforcement of workplace stereotypes

Whether conscious or unconscious, the impact of bias can be harmful, leading to discrimination and a less inclusive culture.

How are conscious + unconscious biases different?

The key difference between conscious and unconscious bias lies in awareness.

Conscious bias is intentional. People who hold conscious biases are aware of them and may act on them openly.

In contrast, unconscious bias operates below the surface, often without the individual realizing it. It is harder to detect and address unconscious bias, because those who exhibit it may genuinely believe they are being fair and impartial.

What harm can bias cause to company culture?

Bias, whether conscious or unconscious, can significantly damage company culture. It can lead to a lack of diversity, erode employee trust and create an environment where certain groups feel excluded or undervalued.

When biases influence hiring, promotions or everyday interactions, the workplace becomes less inclusive. Morale drops, and employees who feel they aren’t treated fairly are more likely to disengage or leave. This turnover can increase recruitment costs, hurt retention and damage the company’s reputation.

Moreover, bias can stifle innovation. Diverse teams bring varied perspectives, driving creativity and problem-solving. When conscious or unconscious bias keeps these voices out, companies miss out on valuable insights and ideas.

How to address bias in the workplace

To create an inclusive workplace, People leaders need to address both conscious and unconscious bias proactively. Here’s how:

  1. Training + awareness: Implement unconscious bias training for employees at all levels. Training helps individuals recognize and manage their hidden biases. And though it may not eliminate unconscious bias, training raises awareness of bias and can reduce its impact.
  2. Diverse hiring panels: Ensure hiring and promotion processes involve diverse panels. This can help reduce the likelihood that one person's biases will shape decisions about candidates or promotions.
  3. Data-driven decisions: Use objective metrics in hiring and performance reviews to minimize bias. Leaders can make fairer decisions by focusing on skills, qualifications and measurable results.
  4. Regular feedback + accountability: Encourage a culture of open feedback, where employees can voice concerns about bias without fear of retaliation. Also, managers should be held accountable for hiring and promotion decisions, including making sure they align with company diversity goals.
  5. Foster an inclusive culture: Promote mentorship programs, employee resource groups (ERGs) and inclusive team-building activities to create opportunities for diverse voices to be heard. When all employees feel valued, you’ll notice greater engagement, retention and innovation.

Conscious and unconscious biases exist in every organization, but how leaders address them determines whether they’ll cause harm. By understanding the difference between these biases and implementing proactive strategies, People leaders can create a more inclusive, diverse and equitable workplace.

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