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The art of asking questions

The ability to ask thoughtful, strategic questions can unlock new insights, drive innovation and foster collaboration.

A diverse team of young workers are sitting in an open common area conversing.A diverse team of young workers are sitting in an open common area conversing.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

Across every tenure and level, the ability to ask thoughtful, strategic questions can unlock new insights, drive innovation and foster collaboration across teams. Let’s take a look:

The power of asking the right questions

Asking the right questions drives clarity, uncovers hidden insights and propels decision-making at every level. Whether navigating complex challenges or seeking to inspire innovation, asking the right questions is vital to unlocking potential and driving success.

For individual contributors: Asking the right questions can clarify tasks, deepen understanding and improve work quality. Questions aren’t just about getting the right answers, but about exploring new perspectives. When ICs ask questions, they demonstrate engagement and a commitment to continuous learning, which can lead to personal and professional growth.

For managers: Managers rely on asking questions to guide teams, make informed decisions and address challenges before they become roadblocks. Effective questioning helps managers understand team dynamics, identify potential issues and support their team's development. Plus, managers who ask the right questions create an environment where employees feel valued and heard, boosting morale and productivity.

For executives: The stakes are higher at the executive level. Asking the right questions can mean distinguishing between a successful and a failed strategy. Executives use questions to challenge assumptions, forecast trends and steer the organization toward its goals. By asking probing questions, executives can uncover hidden risks, opportunities and insights that drive the organization forward.

Industries where questioning is crucial

While asking questions is valuable in any industry, certain fields place a premium on this skill:

  • Healthcare: Doctors and nurses must ask the right questions to diagnose and treat patients effectively.
  • Journalism: Reporters must ask insightful questions to uncover the truth and provide accurate information.
  • Marketing: Marketers use questions to understand customer needs, identify market trends and develop campaigns that resonate with their audiences.
  • Consulting: Consultants use questioning to diagnose organizational problems and recommend effective solutions.

In these industries, the ability to ask the right questions can lead to breakthroughs, innovation and success. But the importance of asking questions extends far beyond these fields — questioning is a critical skill for everyone, regardless of industry or role. From front-line employees to top executives, thoughtful questioning fosters more profound understanding, drives better decision-making and creates opportunities for growth and improvement across the board.

How to ask the right questions

Asking the right questions starts with understanding the context and purpose behind your inquiry. The key is to be intentional — each question should be a step toward greater clarity and better outcomes. Here are some tips:

Understand the context: Before asking a question, take time to understand the context. What is the goal? Who is involved? What information is already known? Understanding the situation helps you frame questions that are relevant and meaningful.

Start with open-ended questions: Open-ended questions encourage discussion and exploration. Instead of asking yes/no questions, try framing your questions to invite detailed responses. For example, instead of asking, "Is this project on track?" you might ask, "What challenges are we facing with this project?"

Think about purpose: What are you hoping to achieve with your question? Are you trying to gather information, clarify a point or encourage reflection? Having a clear purpose helps you ask more focused and impactful questions.

Use the “5 whys” technique: The “5 whys” is a problem-solving technique where you ask "why" five times to get to the root cause of an issue. This method helps you dig deeper and uncover the underlying factors behind a problem.

Practice active listening: Active listening is vital to effective questioning. When you actively listen, you pay full attention to the speaker, which allows you to ask more relevant follow-up questions. Active listening also shows that you value the speaker's input, creating a more open and collaborative environment.

Training topics to improve questioning skills

To create a team of better questioners, consider training in the following areas:

  • Critical thinking: Learn to analyze situations and information objectively, which helps form better questions.
  • Active listening: Develop the ability to listen effectively and respond thoughtfully.
  • Emotional intelligence: Understanding emotions can help employees ask sensitive and constructive questions.
  • Problem-solving: Training in structured problem-solving techniques, like the 5 whys, can enhance a team’s ability to ask questions that lead to solutions.
  • Communication skills: Strong verbal communication skills help articulate questions clearly and effectively.

Mastering the art of asking questions is a powerful tool for individuals, teams and organizations. Questions drive learning, fuel innovation and create a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. By honing your team’s questioning skills, you can unlock new levels of understanding, innovation and growth.

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