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Making time for learning + development (even when life is busy!)

With increasing workloads and constant demands, it often feels impossible to prioritize L&D.

A young man is leading a professional development program for the office.A young man is leading a professional development program for the office.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

People leaders are witnessing a growing trend: employees need help finding time for learning and development.

With increasing workloads, streamlined teams and constant demands, it often feels impossible to prioritize L&D. However, prioritizing learning can help personal growth and organizational success. The challenge lies in finding effective ways to integrate continuous learning into our employees' busy schedules, ensuring everyone can benefit from the growth opportunities L&D provides.

Overcoming the ‘no time for learning’ mindset

When employees say they don't have time for learning and development, your immediate thought might be: "Oh, really? You don't have time for learning and development? That's like saying you don't have time to breathe.”

But instead of a snarky reply, it’s probably more beneficial to remind employees why L&D benefits them as individuals. Emphasizing the personal and professional growth that comes from continuous learning can be a powerful motivator. Here are the top three benefits of continuous learning:

  • Increased productivity: Regular learning helps employees develop new skills and improve existing ones, leading to greater efficiency and effectiveness in their roles.
  • Enhanced innovation: Continuous learning encourages creativity and the adoption of new ideas, driving innovation within the team and the organization.
  • Greater job satisfaction: Employees who engage in learning opportunities tend to feel more valued and fulfilled, contributing to higher morale and job satisfaction.

But how do you help employees who understand the value of L&D but still can't find the time?

13 ways employees can prioritize L&D in their busy schedules

There are many practical ways to fit L&D into even the busiest schedules. Give this list to your employees:

1. Set personal development goals

Create specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) learning goals. Defined goals make tracking progress and staying motivated easier.

2. Visualize the impact of learning throughout the year

Imagine a bar graph showing how small time investments accumulate over a week, month and year. This graph illustrates the cumulative effect of consistent learning — even if each session is brief.

3. Integrate learning with daily tasks

Align learning with daily work. If you're handling a new project, use it as an opportunity to learn new skills relevant to the task at hand. Project-based catalysts are great for inspiring us to prioritize the learning opportunity.

4. Schedule dedicated time for learning

Block out specific times in your calendar for learning and treat those learning blocks like any other important meeting. This helps maintain a work/life balance while ensuring consistent learning. Even just one 60-minute block each month can make a real difference.

5. Leverage Electives Membership

With daily live classes, Electives Membership lets you set your learning calendar a month ahead. Have a free hour today? See what’s scheduled and jump in!

6. Peer learning

Encourage a culture of knowledge sharing within your team. Learning from each other can be quick and contextually relevant, fostering collaboration and mutual growth.

7. Involve management

Ask your manager to help you prioritize your L&D time. When management supports and prioritizes learning, it becomes easier for you to prioritize it too!

8. Utilize downtime

Turn commute time, waiting periods or lunch breaks into learning opportunities. Audiobooks and podcasts are great for this, allowing you to learn without interfering with your work tasks.

9. Microlearning

Break down training into small, manageable chunks that can be consumed in minutes rather than days. Use apps or learning platforms that offer bite-sized lessons. This is especially useful during busy periods when dedicating full days to longer learning sessions isn’t feasible.

10. Incorporate L&D into meetings

Dedicate the first 10 minutes of team meetings to sharing something new you've learned or discussing a recent article you read, video you watched or Electives Membership class you attended. This practice promotes a culture of continuous learning.

11. Gamify learning

Use gamification techniques to make learning more engaging and fun. Create a point system and reward yourself when you hit your goal. Or sign up for a certificate program within Electives Membership — the shareable credential will keep you motivated!

12. Leverage a weekly L&D planner

An L&D planner can be a simple template that helps you schedule and track your learning activities throughout the week. It includes sections for daily learning goals, needed resources and reflections on what was learned, helping to maintain balance and consistency.

Investing in learning and development is essential. Start small, stay consistent and watch the growth unfold — all while maintaining a balanced workload and personal life.

Enroll your team in Electives Membership today

With Electives Membership, you can make learning and development a seamless part of your organization's culture. Enroll your employees to provide daily access to live classes, making it easy to integrate L&D into even the busiest schedules.

With sessions just 60 minutes long, employees can plan, block their calendars and treat these classes like any other important meeting. It’s a simple way for lean People teams to ensure continuous learning across the entire company. Take the step to invest in your team's growth, productivity and job satisfaction. Enroll your employees in Electives Membership today.

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Select Electives Membership or a private program. Options include modern manager training, high-performance culture, business foundations or a custom curriculum.

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