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Understanding workforce trends: Prioritizing people over buzzwords

Since the pandemic, new terms have continuously emerged to describe employee behavior and attitude shifts.

Two women are analyzing workforce trends on a tablet. They are standing in an office.Two women are analyzing workforce trends on a tablet. They are standing in an office.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

Since the pandemic, new terms have continuously emerged to describe employee behavior and attitude shifts. From "quiet quitting" to "the great resignation," these buzzwords capture snapshots of broader trends.

While it’s helpful to be aware of these trends, the key to navigating them lies in focusing on what truly matters: your people.

Buzzworthy workforce trends defined

  1. Quiet quitting: Employees do the bare minimum required by their job descriptions, disengaging from any extra responsibilities without officially resigning.
  2. The great resignation: A massive wave of voluntary resignations, as employees leave their jobs searching for better opportunities, improved work/life balance or new career paths.
  3. Quiet firing: Employers subtly push employees to leave by reducing their responsibilities, support or opportunities for advancement without formally terminating their employment.
  4. Career cushioning: Employees prepare for potential job loss by updating skills, networking and exploring job options while still employed.
  5. Over-employment: The trend of taking on multiple remote jobs simultaneously to increase income or job security, often without the knowledge of each employer.
  6. Acting your wage: Employees limit their work effort to match their compensation, avoiding going beyond job requirements without additional pay.
  7. Resenteeism: Employees stay in jobs despite being unhappy, leading to decreased productivity and lower morale.
  8. Layoff survivor syndrome: The emotional and psychological impact on employees who remain after a round of layoffs, often characterized by guilt, anxiety and decreased morale.
  9. Ghosting: Employees abruptly leave a job without notice or communication, leaving employers scrambling to cover their responsibilities.
  10. The great detachment: A significant shift in employee behavior characterized by a preference for remote work, increased job mobility and a reevaluation of work/life priorities, often detaching from traditional office environments.
  11. The silent recession: An era where employees feel a decline in job security and growth opportunities without an official economic downturn, resulting in increased anxiety and decreased morale.

Focus on what matters: Taking care of your people

Amid the swirl of trendy buzzwords and emerging workforce trends, it's easy for leaders to become distracted by the latest terminology. While understanding these trends can provide insight into current workforce dynamics, the real key to navigating these changes lies in prioritizing what truly matters: taking care of your people.

Organizations that build resilient and dedicated workforces will thrive regardless of the latest trends. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Employee engagement: Foster a culture where employees feel valued, involved and enthusiastic about their work. Regular check-ins, feedback sessions and recognizing achievements can significantly boost engagement.
  2. Career development: Invest in your employees’ growth. Provide opportunities for learning, upskilling and career progression. When employees see a clear path for advancement, they are more likely to stay and contribute to the organization’s success.
  3. Strong leadership: Effective leaders inspire and motivate their teams. They communicate clearly, set realistic expectations and provide the necessary support. Strong leadership builds trust and loyalty among employees.
  4. Positive culture: Cultivate a workplace culture that promotes respect, inclusivity and collaboration. A positive environment where employees feel safe and appreciated can significantly enhance productivity and retention.

Staying focused on these core principles will help your organization thrive in any environment. By prioritizing engagement, career development, strong leadership and a positive culture, you will build a resilient and dedicated workforce capable of navigating any trend that comes your way.

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