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A comprehensive guide to effective coaching

By fostering a culture of growth and development, you can empower not only yourself but your entire organization. Explore the tools that make coaching integral to leadership.

Two women have a conversation in an office next to a window, sitting on bean bag chairs.Two women have a conversation in an office next to a window, sitting on bean bag chairs.

Table of contents

Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

People leaders are often swamped with responsibilities, leaving little time to support everyone's development needs. This guide offers concise and impactful resources to enhance your coaching skills and enable you to spread this knowledge across your organization.

Let's explore the tools that can make coaching integral to your leadership.

Coaching resource #1: The power of coaching in professional growth

Go here to watch “Want to get great at something? Get a coach.”

Atul Gawande's TED Talk emphasizes the importance of coaching in various professions. He argues that coaching is not just for athletes but a vital tool for anyone looking to improve their skills. According to Gawande, coaching is about having someone observe, guide and push you beyond your comfort zone.

Use these reflection questions after watching Atul Gawande’s TED Talk:

  • Are there certain professions that we expect to have coaches? Why?
  • Is coaching considered a norm within our organization? How do you know?
  • What do the speakers' stories suggest about the role of a coach? How would you define the role of a coach?
  • Has a coach in your life impacted you? If so, what did the coach do to influence you?

Coaching resource #2: Managing vs. coaching — a crucial distinction

Go here to read “You can’t be a great manager if you’re not a great coach.”

This Harvard Business Review article highlights the difference between managing and coaching. It emphasizes the importance of creating a developmental alliance with team members and offers five essential tips to be an effective coach rather than just a manager.

After reading the HBR article, ask yourself these questions:

  • What's the difference between "managing" and "coaching," and why does the distinction matter?
  • What does creating and sustaining a developmental alliance with your team members mean? What strategies support this process?
  • Which of the five key tips noted in the article do you find most challenging right now? Why?
  • What have you found most effective in creating a culture of ongoing learning and growth on your team?

Coaching resource #3: Avoiding the "advice monster" in coaching

Go here to listen to Brené Brown talk with Michael Bungay Stanier about “the advice trap.”

Brené Brown's podcast with Michael Bungay Stanier delves into the trap of giving advice too quickly. They discuss how managers can fall prey to the "advice monster" and why staying curious just a little longer is essential.

After listening to the podcast, use these reflection questions:

  • Why do managers fall prey to the "advice monster"? Why is it problematic?
  • How does the "advice monster" manifest in your coaching interactions?
  • What language have you found effective in helping your team members uncover and define the root cause of the challenges they face?
  • How do you currently facilitate reflection opportunities for your team?

Coaching resource #4: Creating better workplaces through coaching

Go here to watch Saba Imru-Mathieu’s TED Talk titled “Leaders who coach are creating better workplaces, and so can you.”

Saba Imru Mathieu's TED Talk focuses on how leaders who coach are creating better workplaces. She identifies three fundamental employee needs and offers four powerful coaching questions to meet those needs.

After watching Saba Imru-Mathieu’s TED Talk, reflect on the following:

  • What are the three fundamental employee needs identified in this video?
  • Have you had experiences in prior workplaces where your three fundamental needs were not met? If so, how did that impact you?
  • How does asking questions help coaches respect the three needs?
  • Which of the four coaching questions identified in the video feels most impactful to you and why?

Coaching resource #5: The leader as coach

Go here to read “The leader as coach” in Harvard Business Review.

The Harvard Business Review article "The Leader as Coach" explores how managers can transition from a command-and-control leadership style to a coaching model. It discusses the benefits of different coaching styles and steps to develop coaching as an organizational capability.

After reading the article, use these reflection questions:

  • How can managers transition from a command-and-control leadership style to a coaching model?
  • What are the benefits of using different coaching styles to support team members?
  • What steps can we take to develop coaching at the individual and organizational levels?

By embracing coaching as a mindset, people leaders can foster a culture of growth and development. Share this guide with your organization to empower leadership.

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