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What is allyship?

Allyship is an intentional commitment to supporting and advocating for individuals or groups facing discrimination, bias or marginalization.

A diverse group of employees are working together on a project around a conference table with a window in the background.A diverse group of employees are working together on a project around a conference table with a window in the background.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

Allyship is an intentional commitment to supporting and advocating for individuals or groups facing discrimination, bias or marginalization. Allyship goes beyond simply acknowledging inequality and involves taking concrete actions to challenge and dismantle systems of oppression.

An ally uses their position of privilege to uplift those without privilege, helping everyone to have a voice and an equal opportunity to succeed.

The benefits of allyship

Allyship creates a more inclusive and equitable workplace where everyone feels valued and respected.

When employees see their colleagues and leaders are committed to allyship, that commitment fosters trust and encourages a culture of openness. This open culture leads to higher levels of engagement, collaboration and innovation.

Organizations prioritizing allyship often experience lower turnover rates as employees feel more connected and supported. Furthermore, allyship enhances a company’s reputation, making it more attractive to top talent and aligning it with the values of a diverse customer base.

How to build a culture that promotes allyship

Building a culture that promotes allyship requires intentional efforts to educate, encourage open dialogue and lead by example. By embedding these practices into the fabric of your organization, you create a more inclusive, supportive environment where everyone can thrive. Let’s take a look:

1. Educate + train on allyship

Start with education. Offer training sessions on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) to help employees understand the importance of allyship. DEI training should cover how to recognize bias, respond to microaggressions and use privilege to support others.

2. Encourage open conversations

Create safe spaces where employees can discuss their experiences and perspectives openly. Encourage leaders to participate in these conversations and model active listening. Open, honest conversations build empathy and help strengthen team members' connections.

3. Recognize + reward allyship

Acknowledge and reward employees who demonstrate allyship in the workplace. Recognition can be through formal programs or informally by highlighting contributions in meetings and communications. Celebrating allyship sets a standard for others to follow.

4. Implement inclusive policies

Review and revise company policies to ensure they support inclusivity and allyship. Inspect your hiring practices and flexible work arrangements, and ensure you provide resources for employee resource groups (ERGs). Policies should reflect a commitment to creating an environment where everyone can thrive.

5. Lead by example

Leaders play a crucial role in demonstrating how to promote allyship. They must commit to being allies in their daily interactions and decision-making. Leaders should also be held accountable for creating and maintaining an inclusive culture, setting the tone for the entire organization.

The role of continuous learning

A culture of allyship requires continuous learning and growth. Encourage employees to stay informed about social justice issues and seek opportunities to expand their understanding of different perspectives by reading books, attending workshops or participating in community events. Continuous learning helps keep allyship efforts relevant and effective over time.

Allyship is essential for building a workplace where diversity is accepted and celebrated. By fostering a culture of allyship, organizations create environments where all employees feel empowered to contribute their best work. 

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