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75 tips to keep people engaged in virtual meetings

By implementing intentional strategies, online sessions can be just as engaging, if not more so, than in-person meetings.

Asian woman presenting during a virtual meeting.Asian woman presenting during a virtual meeting.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

While we're all familiar with the jokes and memes about "Zoom fatigue" and the technical mishaps that come with virtual meetings, it's worth noting that these meetings can still be highly effective. By implementing intentional strategies, online sessions can be just as engaging, if not more so, than in-person meetings.

75 tips for hosting an engaging session

Developed by Electives instructor and executive coach, AK Ikwuakor

Think about the setup before starting virtual meetings.

  1. Use proper lighting to illuminate faces.
  2. Stand up.
  3. To show off your personality, don't be afraid to use your regular background.
  4. Use a high-definition camera.
  5. Have a solid internet connection.
  6. Dress to impress.
  7. Check your framing.
  8. If you have a producer (or support center), use them for additional support or check-in.
  9. Create a guide or cheat sheet that you can reference.
  10. Turn off notifications.
  11. Set up your desktop and facilitation area in a way that's comfortable for you.

Kick off virtual meetings using these tips:

  1. Use a welcome slide.
  2. Share directions on how participants should engage.
  3. Open the meeting with an impactful question.
  4. Download your guide (if needed).
  5. Open with some music to set the mood/tone.
  6. Set ground rules for engagement.
  7. Start on time.
  8. Ensure that your audience knows the purpose/goals.
  9. Confirm what success looks like.
  10. Model good energy - your audience will match it.
  11. Encourage participants to have their cameras on.
  12. Smile.
  13. Meet the room where they're at.
  14. Get agreement from everyone (either through raising their hands or emoji).
  15. Show humility.

Increase employee engagement and participation in virtual meetings:

  1. Incorporate positive psychology.
  2. Be specific with how you want input.
  3. Get the group engaged early.
  4. Use breakout rooms (they're not scary!).
  5. Set rules on who will kick off breakout rooms.
  6. Set a prompt for participants when they return from breakout rooms.
  7. Create questions that everyone can answer.
  8. Have participants write or type responses.
  9. Tell a story.
  10. Use polls.
  11. Utilize the chat function.
  12. Make your space 3D.
  13. Change it up every 5-7 minutes.
  14. Call people by their name.
  15. Add gifs if they feel natural for you.
  16. Create post breakout debrief activities.
  17. Prompt participants on who you will be calling next.
  18. Have one participant call on the next person.
  19. Acknowledge positive behaviors.
  20. Change up your pace/speed.
  21. Ask open ended questions.
  22. Use whiteboard functionalities.
  23. Practice and role play.
  24. Use your hands.
  25. Get participants moving.
  26. Use Jamboard.
  27. Incorporate all 5 senses.
  28. Make eye contact.
  29. Use dynamic pauses.
  30. Incorporate frameworks.
  31. Make it your own! Be authentic.
  32. Add humor.
  33. Show your passion.
  34. Incorporate aspects of your personal life.
  35. Use the whole frame.
  36. Match your words/energy to the audience's mood/tone.
  37. Let go and lean in; be vulnerable!
  38. Keep it real.
  39. Mentimeter.
  40. Incorporate time for self reflection.
  41. Self-practice.
  42. Use other mediums within the virtual meeting platform.
  43. Encourage group sharing.
  44. Remember to project your voice.
  45. Take risks.

End virtual meetings on a high note:

  1. Reflect on experience, learnings, action items and accountability.
  2. Set final takeaways.
  3. Ask for specific action steps.
  4. Close powerfully.

About AK Ikwuakor

AK Ikwuakor, also known as Coach AK, is one of 150+ instructors on the Electives platform. Coach AK is a former world-ranked athlete, certified executive coach, accomplished entrepreneur and corporate trainer. Coach AK has helped tens of thousands of people around the glob maximize their performance on and off the field.

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